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 Harvest Festival Event

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Harvest Festival Event Empty
PostSubject: Harvest Festival Event   Harvest Festival Event EmptyWed Nov 23, 2011 1:56 pm

So yea. The new seasonal event is here Wink
Quick summary of the guide:

First of all, this event only takes place in the realms trade, 2 and 3!
Also, there will be an achievement to get in this, so achievement hunters go check it out Wink

During this event, the event NPC Cecil Autumnfall (this time it's a dwarf in white suit) will can found right next to the new shard vendors at City Square.
He has a couple of (daily!!) quests, which you can do while the event is on, as well as a shop at which you can buy footprints for various items (for example lucky puppets, for those who wondered what those are for at all...)

The Quests

Burnt Out

Saw the nice little bonfires outside of FH yet? Well, it seems that the fire spirits that created those went a bit overboard and... burnt out. So in order for them to be able to go back home you are to collect them with the bag you get from Cecil. Gather 10 of them and trade in.

Feed the Flame

To keep the bonfires going Cecil needs your help. Go to any of them and chop some of the wood from the piles next to them and return to Cecil after you're done.

Wine Harvest

As Cecil want to have a toast with you, you will need to collect Frost Grapes. Follow the auto-route to the spot in Fossiker’s Plain and collect 10 bunches. Then go back to Cecil, put the grapes into the wine cask next to him, wait and have a toast with some Frost Wine! (it recovers 20% of your max health every 3 seconds for 15 seconds, requires to be out of combat of course)

Spirit of Fall

Quick one. Accept the quest, form a party, use the Garland from your inventory and feel happy about another finished quest Wink

Spirit Leader

Similar to the former one, just that the party leader has to use the Garland. Change leaders and repeat, then you're done. For completing this one you get a (show-)buff besides the usually coin/exp reward!

Harvest Friend / Sowing Love

For this Quest you have to team up with a member of the oposite sex. Yes, just like for perfume. Just that now the male has to be the party leader in order to get the Sowing Love quest:
Both players have to pick up the quest, then you can go and plant some seeds for next year's harvest at Windcry Farm. Go find a Fertile Soil Pit, the male uses the Plant Seed he got from Cecil on it, after that it's the female's turn with her Fertilizer of Love on the same pit. Each party member( of the two-man party...) gets a Harvest Blessing for using their item on the pit, which you now have to trade to each other (perfume anyone?). When done you go back to see Cecil and party a bit for completing all the event quests Wink

So Let's have some fun with the event!
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